Upcoming Dates + Deadlines

Please mark your calendars and plan accordingly

April 15 Art Trails application goes live.

May 31 Art Trails application period closes

June 14 Artists notified of acceptance

June 27 Kick-off meeting and new artist meeting

July 17 Workshop 1: Creating Intentional Conversations to Build Relationships, Barney Davey presenter. Expect insights, exercises, and examples, as well as practical advice, tips, tools, and inspiration. Learn to modify examples to converse naturally in your own words. Time: 6:30-8:00pm,

July 22 Mailing list submission deadline. Email to aaron@ad-vantagemarketing.com.

Aug 1 Ad Reservation Deadline, purchase here: https://form.jotform.com/241555136312146

Aug 6 Press-ready ads to mcarnes@sebarts.org

Aug 7 Workshop 3: Artwork Archive: Crafting a Legacy for Heirs, Cassidy Cole presenter. Are you ready to take control of your artistic legacy and ensure your art lives on for generations to come? Learn to organize, digitize, and showcase your portfolio in a way that captures your unique voice and vision, while easily sharing it with collectors, curators, and galleries. You’ll be guided through the steps to protect your artistic legacy and grow your career using Artwork Archive. Whether you want to create a lasting impact for your heirs or make the most of your career today, this session will provide the tools and insights needed to shape your legacy on your terms. Thank you for joining us! Time: 6-7:30pm

Zoom Recording Available Upon Request- email plenaerts@sebarts.org

Sept 2 - Download the Art Trails 2024 Digital Catalog

Aug 14 CLICK TO RSVP HERE *RESCHEDULED |Workshop 2: Primo Promo: How to Stand out in Crowded Social Media, SF Artists Network, Stephen Wagner, presenter. Thank you for joining us!

Zoom Recording Available Upon Request- email plenaerts@sebarts.org

Aug 21 CLICK TO RSVP HERE Workshop 4: Simple Tips for Shooting Art Videos for Social Media and Email Marketing, Caron Shahrestani presenter. Thank you for joining us!

Aug 28 CLICK TO RSVP HERE Workshop 5: Modern Media, Tools for Social Media Marketing, Caron Shahrestani presenter. Learn how to make videos on your smartphone. Time: 6:30-8:00pm, Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89594317757

Sept 17 CLICK TO RSVP HERE Workshop 6: Tips for Success by Successful Art Trails Artists, Warren Bellows, Cheryl Costantini, and Sally Baker presenters. Time: 6:00 -7:30 pm IN PERSON AT SEB ARTS CENTER (and on Zoom)


Sept 6 Preview Exhibit at Corrick’s in Santa Rosa 5:00-7:00 pm and Oct 4, 5:00-7:00 pm

Sept 21 Gallery One Preview Exhibit in Petaluma 3:00-6:00 pm

Sept 24 Deliver art for Preview Exhibit/pick up artist packet and signs 11:00 - 6:00 pm Use this JotForm to submit your work!

Sept 28 Preview Exhibition Opening reception at SebArts at 2:00-4:00 pm

Oct 6 Bodega Art Gallery Preview Exhibit in Bodega, 2:00-5:00 pm

Oct 19-20 + 26-27 Art Trails Open Studios

Oct 28 Artists pick up artwork

Nov 7 Deadline to submit mandatory online evaluation form. Evaluation form here!

Dec 3 Wrap-up meeting! IN PERSON at the SebArts Center , Zoom link here for those joining online

*All dates, day, times, locations and rooms are subject to change. Please make sure to add Art Trails to your email contact list.

Steering Committee Meetings

On the second Wednesday of each month. All are welcome and encouraged to come

4:00-5:30pm on zoom - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83189693945

Steering Committee Members

Cheryl Costantini, Chair, (707) 823-0950, potters@sonic.net

Sally Baker, Preview Exhibits, (707) 829-0396, knsbaker@yahoo.com

Nina Bonos & Gerald Huth, Mentoring, Nina: (707) 525-1521, nina@ninabonos.com, Gerald: (707) 887-9540, studio@geraldhuthart.com

Susan Miron, Work Assignments, (707) 833-4683, skmiron@icloud.com

Tamra Sanchez, Jurying, (707) 321-8093, ipaint@sonic.net

aNna rybaT, Professional Development, (757) 581-1880, arybat@gmail.com

Tom Ballard, & Lynn Zachreson, Signs, Tom: (707) 396-1616, balldu@pacbell.net, Lynn: (831) 419-1599, info@lynnzachresonart.com

Steve Sanders & Laura Lake, Catalog Distribution, Steve: steve@stevesandersraku.com, Laura: (530) 635-7024, laura@lakeimagery.com

Terry Sauvé, Marketing, (415) 867-8676, terry@terrysauve.com


Michelle Carnes, Catalog Design/Production, Ad Sales, Ad Design, Marketing/Publicity, mcarnes@sebarts.org

Penelope Lenaerts, Open Studios Manager, (707) 829-4797 x1006 plenaerts@sebarts.org

Michelle Feileacan, Membership & Volunteering, (707) 829-4797 x1017, mfeileacan@sebarts.org

Serafina Palendech, Executive Director, (707) 829-4797 x1007, spalendech@sebarts.org

Art Trails Volunteer Work Assignments 2024 Assignments

Questions, please first contact your team leader. Team leaders are listed in the above 2024 Assignments link. If your question is not resolved, then:

Susan Miron, Work Assignments, (707) 833-4683, skmiron@icloud.com
Michelle Feileacan, Membership & Volunteering, (707) 829-4797 x1017, mfeileacan@sebarts.org


Below is a list of resources to assist you in preparing for a successful event.

New Artists

Guide from Mentoring Committee

Open Studio Blog

How to Open Studio, by Luann Udell


Luann Udell covers a variety of interesting topics that every artist opening their studio is going to face. From discounts to displays to answering difficult questions and interacting with the different types of visitors you may encounter - this blog is an invaluable resource.

Sales Tax

Resale License: Board of Equalization, 50 D St. # 230, Santa Rosa, CA 95404, (707) 576-2100

Great video on how you can easily manage sales tax with Square: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gl5ExQi2pfo


  • Open Your Studio; Nine Steps to a Successful Art Event by Melinda Cootsona

    Click Here

  • A good free guide, after you sign up for their newsletter:

    Click Here

Printing for business cards, postcards, labels





Bags, packaging materials:



Credit card processing: https://squareup.com/us/en

Display Panels

Presentation by Bill Theis: Plans for cheap display panels


Marketing and Social Media